As a motivational speaker DAVE CAREY draws from his experience as a POW for 5 & 1/2 years to remind his audiences of the power of the human spirit to triumph over adversity.
Dave presents keynotes and conference workshops to a range of audiences from global corporations to intimate in-house groups. He has inspired audiences all over the world. See a partial list of clients and audiences.
Programs are customized to reinforce the values and goals of your organization. Dave's message is real, entertaining, immediate, and challenging. He offers inspiration for a more rewarding professional and personal life.

Drawing upon 23 plus years of experience as a consultant and trainer Dave assists people in working together more effectively thus increasing individual, team & organizational effectiveness.
Dave is a certified SYMLOG consultant and uses SYMLOG as the framework for his work in the area of value based planned change.
He also uses the Emotional Competency Inventory, an assessment and feedback instrument designed to increase and improve Emotional Intelligence.
Individuals achieved insights about their impact on the people with whom they worked and learned how to significantly improve their leadership, teamwork, and interpersonal effectiveness.
Group members gained an understanding of their group's dynamics, forces of unification and polarization, and the importance of individual differences. They developed a shared vision and comprehensive strategy for integrating individual strengths, resolving conflicts, fostering teamwork, and increasing productivity.
Members discovered how the organization's culture, policies, procedures, and reward systems contributed to or interfered with, the organization's overall health, productivity, and long-term viability. They determined changes needed to increase individual commitment, blend management needs with effective group performance, and focus corporate action on continuous improvement toward customer satisfaction.

The question that Dave is most frequently asked about his POW experience is,
"How did you survive as a POW for 5 1/2 years in Vietnam?"
His answers are available in his book - answers that are also applicable in your life...